Wilo-EMU 10

Wilo-EMU 10

  • - Lưu lượng max: 400 l/s
  • - Cột áp max: 530 m
  • - Nhiệt độ chất lỏng: fluid temperature (higher temperatures on request):NU 5... / NU 6… / NU 7… / NU 811 = 30 °CNU 801 / NU 9... / NU 12.. / NU 16… / U… = 20 °CMinimum motor flow:NU 5... / NU 7... = 0.16 m/sNU 611 = 0.1 - 0.5 m/sNU 811 = 0.5 m/sNU 801 / NU 9... / NU 12… / NU

  • Giá: Liên hệ
Thông tin sản phẩm
Multistage 10...24” submersible pump in sectional construction for vertical and horizontal installation
For drinking water supply / general water supply from boreholes and rainwater storage tanksProcess water supplyMunicipal water supplySprinkling and irrigationPressure boostingPumping water in industrial applications and for water controlUtilisation of geothermal energyUtilisation in offshore areas
Type key
Example: Wilo-EMU K 127.1-7 + NU 122-2/100
Hydraulics: K 127.1-7
K127 Hydraulics
1 High-stage material version
7 Number of hydraulic stages
Motor: NU 122-2/100
NU Submersible motor (NU…, U…)
122 Size (5… , 6… = 6"; 7…, 8… = 8"; 9… = 10"; 12… = 12"; 16… = 16"; 21… = 21")
2 Number of poles
100 Package length
Special features/product advantages
Energy-efficient hydraulic systems via customizable hydraulics at the desired duty pointDrinking water version with ACS approvalMotors with sheath current cooling (CoolAct technology) for high power densitiesEasy maintenance, rewindable motorsOptional Ceram CT coating for increasing efficiency
Multistage submersible-motor pump with radial or semi-axial impellersHydraulics and motor freely configurable according to power requirementsNon-return valve can be integrated (depending on type)Three-phase motor for direct or star-delta startingHermetically cast motorsRewindable motors

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